Wednesday 11 October 2017

Key sources

Key sources that i plan to use for my research include but are not limited to:

- First things first 2000 manifesto
- Citizen Designer
- David Berman's Do good
- Good: an introduction to ethics in graphic design.
- Design issues - DK Holland
- Looking closer books

Thursday 5 October 2017

Time management

When doing something so thorough such as an essay it helps me to aim to manage my time effectively down to the weeks so that I keep on track and don't fall behind as writing is definitely not my strongest point.

My summer plan was to begin reading into the topic of social responsibility and from there on continue to research into the topic, documenting as I go. Being organised is something crucial for me this year given the large amounts of breifs we have to work on at any one given time.

Different to past years, this year I plan to organise my weeks into small parts of the module that I need to keep up to date with and complete. This will be done through calanders that I can manually annotate and keep note of.

Sunday 1 October 2017

Dissertation Proposal & Summer Reading

What is Good? 
To what extent does Social Responsibility impact on the role and function of Graphic Design?

Towards the end of second year I started to take more of an interest in work that had some sort of real world value. By this I mean trying to tackle issues that are currently on going in society that I could either bring light to or improve in some way. This is why I started my research based off the question above, to start looking into social responsibility and the designer.

Over summer I read a lot more into the subject, taking information from a lot of different sources including David Berman's 'Do Good', Steven Heller's 'Citizen Designer' and Victor Papanek's 'Design for the Real World', both of which were eye opening simply because of their strong ideals for what is essentially a more considered approach to design as a whole. I think that Berman's approach to design is very much a big inspiration for myself, he suggests that rather than just doing good design, we should just do good within everything we do. This is key because 'good design' could be interpreted in many different ways depending on the individual themselves. So rather than questioning if 'good design' is aesthetically pleasing, ergonomic or ethically considered design, we can instead put more of a focus on doing good all around, for the better of others, the society and our world as a whole.

Something that I need to do before I really begin to write my dissertation is define the term 'good', as this is something that is still a very ambiguous subject. To me 'good' is an overarching term for a small range of other words that hold their own meaning such as worthwhile, valuable or ethical. Most importantly I think that for something to be 'good' it's to be considered; consideration for others around you, the society you live etc. Because as a designer you should be taking responsibility for your own actions which is key for considering the effects and impact our designs could potentially have on others. Whether that means consideration for those less able or those who are in need in some way, it all should come into consideration through the design process.