This module and the briefs within it are unique to any other module completed within this year so far. Much rather than designing for set design brief such as a rebrand or information design piece, it instead forced me to design for an underlying concept that was prominent within my written essay. An essay that explored a graphic design related topic, which in my case was about brands and consumers.
Exploring the question into more detail and doing in depth research into the actual statistics and theories behind branding and consumers meant that I got a much better understanding of the reasons behind why some brands are more successful than others. This in turn meant that going into designing my practical piece I felt I was much more understanding of what I had to communicate through the practical exploration of my question.
Not only that but the research I undertook informed certain design decisions within my practical piece response to the essay. For example, the study that was conducted with different brands of aspirin that showed how something as simple as clever wording of the product, to make it appear superior to other brands, can fool people into thinking it genuinely is a more effective brand of aspirin. This study lead me to include some clever wording in my final design, using the words ‘natural’ and ‘organic’ made the apple appear in some way better quality even though it is the exact same quality product as something you’d find on the shelves of Asda etc.
I feel as though my final piece is not only related to my written essay but does an effective job of getting across the underlying idea prominent within it.
The research aspect of this whole process is something I definitely could have improved by doing much more first hand research. Things such as questionnaires would have been useful to find out what people thought about certain types of packaging and whether or not that in some way would have influenced their purchase of a product.
Questioning people on what aspects of product packaging they find particularly intriguing or eye catching, could have also have been helpful as I would have been able to incorporate this into my practical piece. Doing so could have potentially further underpinned my point within the essay to make, not only the essay as a whole stronger but also my practical piece.
Reading more books of the psychology behind branding and why consumers purchase the products they do would have bettered my understanding of how the minds of consumers work. This in turn would have allowed me to use the same manipulative techniques big name brands use to trick the average consumer into buying particular products.
Feedback Comments:
“The packaging definitely increases the apple’s appeal. The packaging sells the apple as a healthy option, even though apples already are, the packaging further emphasises this through the light pastel colours. These give off an organic look, along with the typeface being light communicating that the apple is healthy.”
“It makes the apple look like a special type of apple. The apple also increases the anticipation of eating it through the way you open up the packaging.”
“It would grab my attention but the way you’ve packaged it makes the product look somewhat expensive which could be a good/bad thing.”
The comments as a whole were very positive and support my idea behind the packaged apple. Not only that it but it also supports my main underlying concept of my whole essay which is that brands have the power to deceive consumers into thinking a product is better than what it actually is through the use of hollow/trigger words such as what I used within the design of the package.