Sunday 3 January 2016

OUGD401: Essay Research (John Berger: Ways of Seeing - Episode 4)

I came across a documentary that I thought would come in useful in supporting my point of how brands are consuming us and manipulating us into thinking we need more than what we actually do, ultimately forcing us into buying products that aren't necessary.

John Berger makes a point within the episode of how ‘publicity of these brands, in a way, forces us to buy more and more products as if it would in some way improve our lives and will make us in some way richer, even though we will be poorer by having spent our money’. This is done by companies showing off models who appear to be living an ideal lifestyle because of these products, which results in consumers envying these people and wanting to buy the product thinking that it will do the same for them.

He also mentions how it ‘forces consumers into this vicious cycle of wanting more and better products, needing more money to buy these, taking out loans and spending that money on more and better products’. This all ultimately leads to the big name companies leeching off the consumers who are naive  and are just wanting to obtain these ‘dream’ lives the portray in their adverts, all because of people feeling insecure about themselves.

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