Wednesday 29 March 2017

New Ideas

Whilst discussing potential ideas with Simon for my practical, he made a good point of that some of my ideas were very much anti-consumerism, which is good and would work for getting a point across but maybe it's not the best way of addressing an issue. Instead he proposed that I look at ways of changing the way products are advertised, taking a more ethical approach to it, maybe this way it would be better received by the public and also the companies themselves.

So a potential idea I had was to create a series of adverts in the style of popular brands such as Nike, McDonalds, Chanel etc. but that are advertising a much deeper message than just their product or their ideologies. Instead I would advertise thought provoking messages that may challenge this idea that we have to consume to be happy, or that money is the be all and end all to life because ultimately that's what can buy us material things. Maybe not quite as obvious as 'More money =/ More Happiness' but along those lines. I think this is something that could work because people are receptive to popular/common brand's branding so much so that a certain combination of colours and a typeface would instantly bring to mind a certain brand. This in turn would hopefully embed the message of the ad deeper within their mind because they are more used to seeing this branding and taking the message/product of the ad in.

Another idea I had was to take your average material products that most like to indulge in such as perfume and clothes and change the way they're promoted. By this I mean to take away the majority of their branding and to have the packaging as simple as can be, such as just the brand name and the product name itself. For example maybe for Chanel:

- Here's our perfume.
- It'll make you smell nice.
- Buy it if you want it.

Something along these lines would take away the need for people to aspire to be like a certain celebrity by buying the product simply because their face is advertised with the perfume. Because ultimately people should be buying products solely for the use of the product itself, not because of the ad or the celebrity associated with it.

Tuesday 7 March 2017

First Essay Draft Feedback

The first point of feedback that Simon gave was that some of my essay feels informal which was mainly down to me using first person a lot of the time. A couple of sentences/paragraphs were also unsupported with a subjective tone so he suggested a couple of books to help find more content to support my points.

Consumer Psychology - Kathryn Janson Boyd

Hidden Persuaders - Vance Packard

The main issue with my essay was that the title and certain sections of the essay itself is that it was too broad. I talked mainly about the brands, their packaging and their advertising methods but Simon suggested narrowing down to one specific area of design so that my essay would be stronger and more precise. Considering that advertising is an interest of mine and that most of my points were based around that, I will aim to focus my essay entirely on that.