In light of this, I watched BBC's documentary from 2005 'The Century of the Self' which focuses on the work of psychoanalysts Sigmund and Anna Freud and also Edward Bernays. Within the first part of the documentary a point was made about the psychology behind consumers and the products they purchased which fit in well with the point I had made, but not supported. The point I made was mainly about how brands can control consumers without us even knowing by using clever tricks and techniques within their advertising and packaging of the product making people desire more things than what they actually need, ultimately influencing them into buying more products.
Revised Essay Point with Support
Within The Century of the Self (2005), it discussed how it was discovered by Edward Bernays, who took his uncle’s idea, Sigmund Freud, of human being manipulative mind’s and ‘showed big name corporations how they could make people want things they didn’t need, by linking mass produced goods to their unconscious desires’ which ties in well with the main underlying point of the whole argument, that brands can control us. Even Paul Mazer of the Lehmen Brothers in the 1920’s (2005, The Century of the Self) stated that ‘they must shift America from a needs, to a desires culture and for this to happen, people need to be trained to desire to want new things even though the old hadn’t been consumed yet.’
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