Tuesday, 8 March 2016

OUGD401: Practical Exploration (Brand Comparison)

To develop my idea further I had a look into luxurious branding of things such as packaging, personal branding etc. to see what they have in common. What colours and typeface combinations they all use to give off the impression that their particular product is of better quality to justify the typical price difference that comes between one product and another.

Non Luxury Branding

Luxury Branding

Both of these pictures display the same product, the only difference being the potentially slight difference in quality, which there might not even be one. But yet one looks a lot more expensive and luxurious than the other, leading people to believe that it would taste better, which isn't always the case. This can trick people into spending a lot more money on a product, when it's not necessary.

These deceitful ways are what make brands so powerful within the industry and is why they have so much control over us, the consumer.

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