Monday 18 April 2016

OUGD401: Practical Exploration (Further Ideas & Feedback)

Even though oxygen is something we don't have to physically pay for, the whole idea is based around the fact that brands can sell any product to consumers if they do it correctly. Which supports my underlying point that brands hold the power to manipulate consumers within their relationship, through using techniques such as cusps and trigger words as mentioned in previous blog posts.

Rough idea
Another route I considered going down was taking a regular, everyday product that consumers buy and packaging it in such a way that creates a more luxurious feel, ultimately fooling customers into spending more on a product that is essentially the same as other, cheaper alternatives hence the drawing above.

Rough Vectored Idea


Within my small crit group we discussed our ideas and the feedback I got from them was positive and also very useful. They agreed and said they understood the underlying concept of the idea.

Something that was mentioned though was to possibly take my idea in a different direction, keeping the concept the same, but changing the product. That being to brand a single piece of fruit in a luxurious way to make it seem a better product than what it is. For example selling one apple for £1 in a nicely design, luxurious box when that very same quality apple would be in a pack of 5 apples for around the same price.

Some examples of high quality, luxurious packaging:

As well something to incorporate into this idea was the trigger words I was referring to in previous blog posts. Words such as natural, organic etc. will fool people into thinking the apple is something special and unique to other apples, when in actual fact it's essentially the same.

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