Sunday 23 April 2017

End of module evaluation

Overall I feel as though my essay was strong and in depth into the world of consumerism with a practical response that could have been stronger in some areas. I think that the practical could have been developed more into a bigger concept than what it was. I enjoyed going more in depth into consumerism and the psychology behind it and that this helped me to get a better understanding personally of why we consume and on such a regular basis. I think my essay writing skills have developed a lot since last year with a much more improved structure from CoP 1 and better understanding of references. Reading a lot more books and research studies helped to better create a solid base of knowledge about branding, advertising and consumerism on the whole before going into my essay. I feel that I had a range of ideas for my practical that could have been expanded on a little more, but I think my practical response was appropriate to my essay.

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