Thursday 20 April 2017


I presented my current ideas to a crit group to get outside opinions and views on how plausible and logical my ideas are at this moment. Although there was no huge criticism to my current idea of having one consistent clothing line, there was a couple of suggestions for potentially expanding some of my other ideas.

One idea was to potentially sell products by their purpose as opposed to by their brand. So for example running shoes rather than having the Nike swoosh would just be branded as running shoes as their most basic form.

Another idea and one that I think will work to emphasise my point the best is to take my idea of 'blank advertising' and to start completely fresh. The issue I originally had with my ideas was that although there was no background noise that would influence the consumer in some way e.g. celebrity endorsements, the brand itself still has associations with it that would influence the customer in some way. So the idea instead is to create a brand from scratch that would set an example for how advertising could potentially be more ethical by displaying the products as opposed to selling them. Creating a brand from fresh would mean that there would be no previous associations to the new advertisements like McDonalds would have already for example. Instead it would be a clean slate to make an example to the advertising world of how it could be done in a much more ethical way, a way that doesn't glorify consumption.

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