Thursday 20 April 2017

One consistent brand & results from questionnaire

To try and understand more about my audience and their thoughts on branding the influence it has on us, I sent out a short questionnaire asking for people's opinions.

A lot of the responses suggested that brands are a key factor in deciding what product to buy for people. Considering as well the majority (83%) of the people answering were young (between the ages of 18 and 29) it's safe to assume that a lot of people are bothered about what brands they were and how these represent themselves. More specifically clothing, after asking a couple classmates what products in particular they bother with the brands about it was what they wear. This is something I think is prevalent today especially within younger people, the brands of their clothes are most important. I think this is what I could focus my attention on as I feel it's a much bigger issue as it's linked to people's own personal identity and how they look.

The main reason for their choice of considering brands when they shop is down to the quality that is associated with that brand that they've experienced from past times of shopping with that one brand.

The issue I have at this point with my idea is that the brand itself still in some way influences the consumer, even when the advertisements are stripped back to it's bare essentials, the product and brand name. But from the results of the questionnaire, a big reason why the brands are chosen over others is because of the associations with them, a big one of those being the quality of the brand.

From this an idea stemmed, if I was to hypothetically eliminate clothing brands and instead create a system in its place based around the quality of the clothes. In the same way that if you wanted a pair of jeans that don't cost the earth knowing they would be lower quality, you would maybe go to Primark or H&M but if you wanted a nicer, higher quality pair you'd maybe go to Levi's or All Saints. I think instead possibly having a number system 1-3 of the quality level this would eliminate the brand influence it has on people. Instead they would be purchasing clothing for a reason, not for the brand; either the cost that they can afford or the quality that they desire.

For Example:

1: Best Quality - Expensive
2: Good Quality - Mid range price
3: Average quality - Cheap

A problem with this that was pointed out was that there would still be the level of judgement between peers that there is currently with people aspiring to wear the better, more expensive brands that their friends might have and vice versa, those people looking down on others for wearing cheaper brands.

Instead an idea that was put forward to solve this was one clothing line for all, all consistent pricing and with that consistent quality that people would normally buy particular brands for. The styles of clothing wouldn't be any different to how it is now, the difference would be is that there wouldn't 5/6 different brands of the similar style jeans, instead it would be one non-branded pair of jeans just in different styles and colours e.g. black, blue, grey. Ripped, skinny, slim, boot cut etc. This eliminates the need for brands whilst still providing the quality that people want from their favourite brands. It would also hopefully reduce the judgements that people impose on other people for the cheap brands, low quality clothing which is seen as less desirable to most.

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