Sunday 23 April 2017

Public space - For the public

After creating a couple of rough visual ideas for my concept, it dawned on me that it could potentially become repetitive long term to have this running theme of uplifting/positive messages, it feels more like a short term art installation maybe. Considering that the idea behind this piece is to someway improve individual and societal well being and happiness, this can be done in a lot more ways that one and the space that would usually be occupied by adverts is the perfect, well regulated amount of space to do so. Advertisements are ubiquitous which means take them away and there is an awful lot of blank space to display much more important things, ideas, concepts than that of just promoting a consuming way of life.

This is where the idea of public space for the public comes in, given that these advertisements are out in public space, they aren't actually for use of the public instead just for corporations to promote their new product most of the time. But not all ads do this, some of the time there are government ads that inform the public on new incoming laws/changes to society also things such as health awareness schemes etc. which I think are necessary and is why these would would still form part of this public space idea.

This would be a chance for artists to display more of their work out in public, it would give anyone the chance to propose an idea to display something in public without needing lots of money to do so as you normally would. These in themselves could give people a voice to get thoughts out there, to evoke emotion through work to the public without having to specifically go to an exhibition.

The easiest comparison to make is in a way similar to graffiti, except a legal version of this. Although some graffiti doesn't always serve a purpose, a lot of it can actually send out positive messages such as within the examples below.

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