Sunday 16 April 2017

No-Noise @ Selfridges 2013

A couple of years ago Selfridges did something different and new by creating The Quiet Shop, a small shop within their big chain stores in London, Birmingham and Manchester. The aim of this store was to bring peace and quiet to people's everyday life, which is typically clustered with visual and audible noise.

Considering that everyday we're exposed to a lot of brands, Selfridges wanted to create something which reduced the noise of everyday life. Famous brands such as Heinz, Levi's and Marmite recreated their most famous products, minus the usual branding as a way of reducing this noise.

This sparked my interest as it's in a way similar to what I aim to do with my practical piece, reducing the visual noise whilst also having an underlying reason for doing so. Although this was more to make a point of how we're overwhelmed everyday with noise such as brands, my idea is to reduce the influence brands and their ads have on us as consumers. Applying this technique could be a way in which to emphasise the point of my essay and practical piece.

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