Monday 8 January 2018

Practical Idea Feedback


I received a range of feedback on my ideas from the crit session we held. It proved useful in possibly expanding each individual idea into its own practical piece. From this, deciding which idea will be most effective will be the next step.

For the manifesto, it should most definitely be in a digital format as this would mean being conscious of the output of the project and ultimately the environment by not unnecessarily producing books when another output could be better suited to it. 

As before mentioned there is some stigma around the word manifesto, so best to avoid using this word. This is why the 'reformatting a manifesto' idea could work if done well.

Another issue with the manifesto is that they often appear patronising almost like it's someone telling you how you should be going about your practice. So maybe posing it as a set of questions or considerations could work much better, as advice as opposed to instructions.

As for the format of the manifesto, it needs to be more engaging than an a4 piece of paper so bringing a manifesto into the digital age could allow for engagement from a wider audience. 

You could potentially aim at younger, more up and coming designers, as older designers stuck in their opinions already and are less so likely to change their ways, 20/30 years down the line.

The idea of creating a platform for designers to discuss and discover potentially inspiring projects that have or aim to bring about positive social or environmental change would be good as social media is an easy way to spread the word fast. It's also an easy way to promote people doing 'good' work and positivity, plus it much easier to distribute when digital as there is no cost of manually producing flyers/ posters etc.

One possible idea, maybe as an extension of your already existing idea of a platform to distribute work on, is to have a 'stamp of approval'. This could be something that signifies that a piece of work has passed a certain level of consideration. So that it shows to others that it's a verified project that has the potential to do some 'good'.

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