Wednesday 17 January 2018

Refining my Idea

To help define exactly what the concept behind my practical piece is and also to ensure clarity throughout my process I decided to write down in logical order what my idea is and what is aims to do.

First and foremost my piece is to be a guide (reformatted manifesto, without the word manifesto) to help creatives be more conscious within their everyday practice and to hopefully be more outward looking to society, the environment and colleagues etc.

By breaking down multiple, already existing manifestos into key areas that will be repurposed into bitesize chunks of information that can be easily and more clearly be understood and taken in. As opposed to having to read a typically, daunting and somewhat tedious format of a typical manifesto.

I plan to use a relaxed, communal tone of voice e.g. using talking about designers collectively using "we" which creates a powerful sense of belonging and the ability to conquer more as a group rather than an individual. Hopefully, this will attract and stimulate more designers to bring about more socially conscious ideas and design that will in some way better our community and environmental well being.

Secondly, my idea is to extend into a larger platform that allows creatives to view, post, discuss projects that are positive and social change orientated. This includes but is not limited to, live briefs to collaborate on, a blog that champions projects that could be considered to be doing "good", and some kind of forum based area that allows for people to openly connect and discuss potential ideas and projects etc.

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